In graduation projects subject, we are required to complete a changemaker quiz. This quiz will show us which changemaker are we and the results I got is an Investigator.
After we complete the quiz, there are 8 provocation themes that we have to answer. The first theme starts with
1. What do you enjoy?
~ I enjoy drawing and painting, search and get inspiration from Pinterest and 'xiao hong shu' (小 红书)
~ Take pictures, edit pictures
~ Design illustration
2. What do you fear?
~ The design outcome is not what I except
~ I can't get the results that I want
~ Negative feedback/comments
3. What do you want from the course?
~ know more on what kind of design I'm more into
~ Start doing things on what we want in the future
4. What can you offer the course?
~ Give some suggestion or ideas
~ Try something challenging
5. Where do you want to be/what do you want to be doing two years from now?
~ Things that related to branding
~ join a company and learn from there before create my brand
6. Which designers/illustrators provide a context or inspiration for the type of work you want to do?
~ Kenya Hara
~ minimalist [ ]
7. What current issues might graphic designers need to focus on or address?
~ the message that going to inform to the audience
8. How would you define bad design or illustration?
~ design that doesn't have meaning